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The Moustache I played with


The footprints that supported my infantile steps
The shoulders on which I drove away all crowded mess,
The moustache with which I always played
It pricked you, but you never said,
The arms that made me secure
And helped me face all my fear,
The candies, the colour pencils and bike rides
Everything I got without a fight,
My lawyer in all my squabbles
You guided me out, through all my troubles,
Every tear turned into a smile
When I was cuddled for a little while,
I moved ahead riding on your trust
When you stood by me in all my “firsts”,
In all the losses and win
You patted me with a proud grin,
For my career and romantic decision
I found your “yes” without asking for a reason,
You hid your pain, while mother cried
The day my nuptial knots were tied,
The vision which still guards my future
Several sleepless nights sacrificed for my nurture.

In the quarter of my life when you celebrate your golden jubilee,
Father, I am obliged to be your reflection, so distinctly.

{ This one is nothing but my "thanks" and love to my father, for being "MY FATHER", my protector. }
This post is a part of #Soldierforwomen in association with

Received the "Blade of honour" and certificate for #Soldierforwomen contest.


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