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Pointed mighty sword,
Writer of shapeless thoughts,
On paper,
But imprints the soul,
Dot, blot, calligraphy drawn,
A romantic epistle flows,
Or a war memoir in bold,
A signature, so rare, it carves,
Harbinger of goodness or evil,
With words that fall,
Prize, possession or legacy,
Guardian of many untold heresies.

Day 16 - Letter P submission for April A to Z Challenge 2013

&copy Copyright Salvwi Prasad[POETICbug]


  1. Wonderful verse, you have a good talent for verse, Thanks for sharing.


  2. Shows the might of pen in many ways. Nice composition.

  3. Hello, Salvwi! Your poem is a lovely ode to the pen. I always write in pencil in a notebook before transferring it to the computer. I am much more creative with a pen or pencil in my hand!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  4. Oh, Poetry, Finally I found someone who is doing that as well!
    Love the mighty Pen!

    Greetings from Iceland from a fellow Pen-friend
    -Miss Bates.

  5. Love how you began this one.

    Look forward to the rest of your challenge posts!
    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  6. Thank You so much all... It really motivates me :)


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