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The flowers on the funeral wreath, feel the heaviest,
They wish not to meet this cold body,
They desire to be gifted when they could bring a smile,
They love to decorate, not the mourning walls,
But a lively room, filled with giggles,
The flowers on the funeral wreath, feel the heaviest.

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Creative Commons Licence


  1. I don't know where it is anymore, but I wrote a poem that started with "Don't place flowers on my grave; plant pinwheels." I lost the only copy long ago, but the upshot of it was that I didn't want to be mourned. I wanted people to have fun and be lighthearted instead.

    1. Hello Jack,
      Thank you for visiting POETICbug.
      Do share your poem when you find it. I would love to read it. The thoughts sound interesting to me. :)


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All posts of this blog by Salvwi Prasad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License